Friday, September 18, 2009

Monday 9/21: FCC Broadband Hearing in Austin

I just received this notice from my friends at Free Press.

The FCC has just announced that its first field hearing on the national broadband plan will take place on Monday in Austin!

This is your chance to help shape the future of the Internet in the United States. We need to make sure the FCC comes up with a plan to provide everyone with a fast, affordable and open Internet.

The FCC may not have given Austin much advance notice for this hearing, which is why it is essential that you show up to be heard. Bring your friends, too.

Here’s how you can get involved:

Attend the hearing:

When: Monday, Sept. 21, 9:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m.
Where: Texas University Club
2108 Robert Dedman Drive
Austin, Texas
(visit for more information).
Cost: Free
(See for more information)

Help get the word out in Austin. Contact your allies and friends in the area and ask them to attend the hearing. Post news of the event on Facebook and Twitter.

Encourage the FCC to take additional steps to engage the public. When planning field hearings, the FCC should provide the public with sufficient advance notice. Let the FCC know that less than a week's notice is not enough by voting for our idea on the agency’s newly released Idea Scale or on their blog.

Don't miss this chance to make your voice heard.


Misty Perez
Campaign Coordinator
Free Press

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