Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dancing with the Indicted

Tom DeLay on Dancing with the Stars and surviving the first cut.  I guess stranger things have happened on TV, but at the moment I can't think of any.

Does any one remember that this man had to resign from the U.S. House of Representatves in disgrace when he was indicted in the not-do-distant past?

Do you remember that he is credited by many as the person who single-handedly screwed up the voting districts in the state by having the state legislature (predominately Republican) re-draw the states districts into weird, twisted areas in order to raise the number of Republicans in the House of Representatives?

Do you remember that he is the one who allowed lobbyists to get out of control by allowing them unheard of access to the halls of Congress through the "K Street Project"?

Everyone thinks it's so "cute" and "interesting" that he is on Dancing with the Stars.  After seeing his performances, I'm only sorry he can't be indicted for lack of talent and bad fashion (where are the fashion police anyway??)

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