Saturday, November 1, 2008

Dick Armey is "Bewildered" by Liberals

Ugh! Dick Army (former U.S. Republican representative from Texas and one-time Majority Leader) was interviewed by Chris Matthews on Hardball tonight. IMHO he is one of the two major embarassments elected from this great state and sent to represent us in Washington, D.C. (the other was Phil "we're a nation of whiners" Graham). Watch the clip below. It's telling on several points.

It seems rather odd to me that so many Conservatives (Republicans) are suddenly so worried about reining in spending. We all know that spending over the last 8 years has been out of control and it is due to a number of factors - the war in Iraq, the war on terror, pork spending projects (bridge to nowhere, anyone?), faith-based projects, etc.

Add the outrageous tax breaks that were enacted during the latest administration and the amount of deregulation in the futures market and home mortgage market, is it any wonder we are even further in debt now with a financial bailout of almost a trillion dollars?

Looking at John McCain's record, he has voted with the Bush Administration (as he has admitted himself) 90% of the time. I somehow doubt spending will be brought under control if he is elected.

Mr. Armey made the statement (and I'm paraphrasing here) that John McCain has always opposed President Bush. Really? As we've all seen (in his own words) he voted with Bush 90% off the time. That's opposing Bush? What alternate universe does Mr. Army live in?

Now, Republicans are doing everything they can to distance themselves from W. So many of them don't want him to help with their re-elections and avoid mentioning his name unless they are talking bad about him. Funny how up until this election cycle most of the Republicans continued to praise him even though his popularity with the public has consistently tanked.

Mr. Armey also stated that he is "bewildered" by liberals. He said he "thinks they think strangely" and "don't understand how things work in the world". The same could be said about you and most of the conservatives/Republicans we hear from everyday on television Mr. Armey.

But, I can tell you that liberals and progressives do know how things work in the world. We are mostly concerned with making sure things happen to affect everyone equally we want things to happen for the betterment of all the people of this country - not a select few who have more money and influence than the average American.

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