Friday, March 19, 2010

Health Care Reform

I spent most of my day watching the House of Representatives on C-Span. Yes, I know, I'm a glutton for punishment.

For each resolution or bill brought up for discussion, the House Republicans automatically turned the subject to Health Care Reform (known as Government Take Over of Health Care by the Republicans).

For example, a resolution was brought before the house to honor an author whose name I can't remember because I only heard it mentioned once. The Democratic speaker would begin to speak of the matter at issue, and then the Republican would immediately change the subject to health care.

It was the same old talking points: "it will bankrupt the government", "it will cause a loss of jobs", "we should start over from scratch", "it's the biggest government take over of any part of the economy", "the sky is falling!" (OK...I added that last one in myself), yadda, yadda, yadda.

A few of them even complained about having to be there for a vote on Sunday (they want to hold the vote on Thursday of next week). My advice to them is, if you don't plan to vote for it anyway then don't be there on Sunday. See, problem solved. You can have your weekend and the rest of us can have decent healthcare.

It's been said by the Republicans that if the Democrats pass this legislation, it will come back to bite them in November during the mid-term elections. Many feel that if they don't pass it, it will come back to bite them in November.

The Democrats already know they are going to lose some seats in the mid-terms. Historically, the party in majority loses some seats in the mid-terms after a president of the same party is elected. They are expecting it.

I heard Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) once again say that he hasn't heard from a single American saying they want this legislation to pass. Who is he talking to?? It certainly isn't me! I think all who want reform should send him an email and let him know (I did).

Another thing, I heard today was about the 11 year old whose mother died after she lost her job and health care. He was invited to testify on capitol hill. Of course, the Republican talking-heads jumped right on this. Michelle Malkin wrote about it in a column and Glenn Beck made his usual out-of-this-world comments, but the most insensitive had to be from Rush Limbaugh.

On his radio show, he made the comment that she would have died anyway even under the new health care rules. Why is this buffoon still on the air?

And speaking of Glenn Beck, he went off on his radio show about how the vote for reform being taken on Sunday is an affront to God. Please! Glenn Beck is an affront to intelligence.

This may not be the best reform to our health care system (personally I think we should have gone to Medicare for all), but at least get the ball rolling. Fixes can be made after the main reform is passed. The Republicans had years to do something (but the wouldn't mess with their donors) and their proposals now are lame.

Like Larry the Cable Guy would say, "Let's git 'er done!"

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