Thursday, August 20, 2009

Leave it to Barney Frank


Someone has stood up against the loud-mouthed trouble makers at town hall meeting. And, it was none other than Congressman Barney Frank (D - MA). (See video below)

In an exchange with a woman who asked him why he was supporting President Obama's "Nazi" policies, Congressman Frank replied by asking her "What planet do you live on the majority of the time?"

When she began again to try get more attention, Congressman Frank then stated, "Ma'am, trying to hold a conversation with you is like holding a conversation with a dining room table and I'm just not interested."


I want to see more of the Democrats in Congress grow a set and start standing up to these people. Don't let them take over the discussion and disrupt the meetings. There is information to get out and you can't let them prevent it from happening.

Also, I think it's about time the Democrats take a stance and pass the Health Care Reform without the Republicans. Yes, I know. They want it to be bi-partisan. Well, I want them to remember how much got rammed through during the Bush Administration that they had little to no say in.

Message to the Democrats in the House and Senate: Show us your backbones and get the healthcare system fixed!

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